City of Norman Offers Rental and Utility Assistance to Qualified Residents Affected by COVID-19

City of Norman Offers Rental and Utility Assistance to Qualified Residents Affected by COVID-19
The City of Norman is now offering a COVID-19 Rental and Utility Assistance Program to aid residents experiencing loss of employment due to the coronavirus crisis. Program assistance can be used to cover payments for rent and utilities at OG&E, OEC, ONG and the City of Norman, which have all resumed terminations on delinquent accounts.
The City’s program is targeted to help households that have been directly affected by a significant loss or lapse of earned income directly attributed to the coronavirus pandemic. To qualify applicants must currently live in Norman and have an income of 80 percent or below of the Median Family Income for Norman, which varies depending on household size. Qualifying incomes are:
- $41,650 for a 1 person household
- $47,600 for a 2 person household
- $53,550 for a 3 person household
- $59,500 for a 4 person household
- $64,300 for a 5 person household
- $69,050 for a 6 person household
- $73,800 for a 7 person household
- $78,550 for an 8 person household
Applicants already receiving any type of rental assistance, including Section 8, Public Housing, SSVF, or CoC Permanent Supportive Housing are ineligible for this program. However, an adjustment to rental subsidy by these providers is available due to reduction of income.
Learn more about program qualifications here or contact or 405-307-7213.
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the City of Norman paused terminations on delinquent water, sewer and trash utility accounts in May. Beginning this week, terminations will resume on accounts that have not paid per the City’s policy for collection. Under the policy for unpaid accounts, a late payment notice is sent 10 days after the bill due date, then the account is charged 10% of the outstanding bill, and after 75 days from the due date, the service is subject to termination for non-payment. The City’s Utility Customer Service may make extended payment arrangements for qualifying customers, by calling 405-366-5320.
Learn more about City of Norman utility payments or make a payment online here.