City of Norman Offers Resident Options for Debris Removal

City of Norman Offers Resident Options for Debris Removal
The City of Norman will offer removal of storm-related debris beginning Monday, November 9. Additional passes will be announced as needed and only large vegetative debris from the October 26 storm will be eligible for removal. All smaller debris and non-vegetative debris should be disposed of through the normal yard waste and trash collection methods.
The City's on-call debris removal contractor TFR Enterprises, Inc. will assist City staff in conducting the debris removal process. In order to remove the fallen vegetation debris the City will provide debris removal from the street right-of-way, generally the area 15 feet behind the edge of the street.
The final round of pick-up for the Fall Clean Up event for residential customers with large household waste will continue as scheduled with for customers with Thursday service being collected this Saturday, October 31. Participants may experience delays of a day or two as crews work to address storm debris removal operations simultaneously. Storm debris should be kept separate.
General Removal Guidelines:
- Weather permitting, the first pass of debris removal will begin on Monday, November 9.
- Norman residents are asked to place any storm-generated debris from this event on the public right-of-ways. Please do not place debris in the road, on sidewalks, or within 25 feet of an intersection as this can cause a safety issue. All residential areas in Norman are eligible for debris removal.
- The public right-of-way is the area of residential property that extends from the street to the sidewalk, ditch, utility pole or easement. Residents should make every effort to place debris along the public street rights-of-way. This should include vegetative and debris only. . This material should be cut in approximately 8- foot to 12-foot lengths and stacked in piles along the right-of-way or within five feet of the curb or edge of roadway. Do not bag these items.
- Bagged debris should not be placed on the public right-of-way; only loose debris will be collected. Bagged debris will be collected on the normal yard waste collection schedule.
- Only residential properties in Norman are eligible for debris removal.
- No commercial or industrial properties will be provided debris removal services by the City of Norman.
- Do not place debris near mail boxes, poly carts, water meter vaults, gas meters, fire hydrants or any other above-ground utility.
- Only debris placed on the public right-of-way will be eligible for collection. Do not place debris in alleys for collection.
- During the debris removal process, City contractors will collect debris along the street right-of ways.
- Residents may experience increased traffic, temporary road closures or delays on some streets where these contractors are working. Contractors will have flag persons and signage displayed to alert you of their operations. Please be cautious when passing and travel at slow speeds in these areas.
- Weekly household garbage and yard waste collection will continue its normal schedule. Limbs no larger than 2 inches in diameter, bundled in 4 foot lengths will be picked up by the City Sanitation Division. Larger items can be taken to the City Transfer Station located at 3901 S. Chautauqua Avenue or the City Compost Facility located at 398 Bratcher Miner Road. Please place the bags of yard waste along the curb as usual, but keep separate from the storm debris.
- Storm debris from the event such as large diameter vegetation will be accepted at the Transfer Station located at 3901 S. Chautauqua Avenue from residents outside of the scheduled storm debris pick-up area. There will be no charge for all residential customers for this service from October 31 to November 21 with a City utility bill.
- The Compost Facility, located at 398 Bratcher Miner Road, will be normal operations: 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. Saturday times will be extended on October 31 to November 21 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- The Transfer Station, located at 3901 South Chautauqua, will be normal operations: 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday. .Saturday times will be extended on October 31 to November 21 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Yard waste drop off is always free for Norman residents at the Compost Facility at 398 Bratcher Miner Road. Limbs should be no larger than 2 inches in diameter.
- All residential neighborhoods in the areas of Norman, which receive regular city services, are eligible for debris removal. In other words, debris removal will be provided to residential properties located on public and private streets, provided that those properties receive city services such as sanitation or water.
- Residents are asked to remove parked cars or other obstructions from the public street when the debris contractor is working.
- For residents in agriculturally zoned areas that wish to burn their debris, please follow the Norman Fire Department guidance and approved burn days.
Please check the City of Norman Website for additional information and updates on the debris removal process.