City Opens Centers for Hope at Recreation Centers in Norman

City Opens Centers for Hope at Recreation Centers in Norman
The City of Norman Parks and Recreation Department is excited to announce a partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Human Services to open Norman recreation centers as Community HOPE Centers. These centers will provide an alternative support network for children and families to get the resources they need to thrive and to mitigate the negative impacts, COVID has had on communities across Oklahoma.
The 12th Avenue, Irving and Whittier Recreation Center will open Community HOPE Centers in conjunction with their after-school programs. Each of these HOPE Center will have virtual learning tools available, such as computers and iPads, meals and snacks, extracurricular programs, enrichment activities, and other resources for those families. This HOPE center service is free to the program participants and families.
Gov. Stitt and the CARES Forward Team approved $15 million in CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) to be utilized by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) to support this statewide effort earlier this summer. Community HOPE Centers will utilize community partnerships to provide critical services to families using the Science of HOPE as their foundation. They will serve children ages 5-18 as well as their adult caregivers.
“We are excited to partner with the State to offer one more avenue to help Norman kids thrive during these unprecedented times,” said Norman Recreation Superintendent Jason Olsen.
Norman Parks and Recreation will operate these HOPE Centers following safety protocols determined by the Oklahoma State Department of Health guidelines related to the use of PPE, social distancing, sanitation, and use of masks.
For more information or to register, residents can sign their child up by contacting the Parks and Recreation Department at 405-366-5472. Space is limited and will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis.