Earn an accredited high school diploma through library initiative

Earn an accredited high school diploma through library initiative
CONTACT: Christian Potts, Marketing and Communications Office
Telephone: 405-801-4552
Email: cpotts@pioneerlibrarysystem.org
The Pioneer Library System is offering qualified community members the opportunity to earn an accredited high school diploma and credentialed career certificate through Career Online High School, a program brought to public libraries by Gale, a Cengage company.
The library now is seeking applications for Career Online High School, which is part of the world’s first accredited, private online school district. The school is specifically designed to reengage adults into the education system and prepare them for entry into post-secondary career education or the workforce.
Pioneer will award scholarships to 10 qualified applicants. Potential candidates must be age 25 or older and live, work or own property within the Pioneer service area. To begin the application process and for information on applying, go online to pioneerlibrarysystem.org/library-services/career-online-high-school.
Once a student has enrolled, Career Online High School pairs the student with an academic coach who assists with developing an individual career plan, offers ongoing guidance and encouragement, evaluates performance, and connects the learner with the resources needed to demonstrate mastery of the course material.
Classes are supported by board-certified instructors and students have 24/7 access to the online learning platform. Coursework begins in one of eight high-growth, high-demand career fields (across a wide spectrum from childcare and education to certified transportation), before progressing to the core academic subjects. Students are able to graduate in as few as six months by transferring in previously earned high school credits but are given up to 18 months to complete the program.
“We’re delighted to partner with the Pioneer Library System to offer Career Online High School and give residents access to education and the potential to change their lives,” said Paul Gazzolo, senior vice president and general manager for Gale.
Career Online High School is accredited by the AdvancED Accreditation Commission, which provides nationally recognized accreditation for school districts and individual schools and represents 34,000 public and private schools and districts across the United States and in 70 countries worldwide, educating 20 million students.
Find out more online at pioneerlibrarysystem.org/library-services/career-online-high-school.
Additional Info
Media Contact : Christian Potts, 405-801-4552, cpotts@pioneerlibrarysystem.org