Norman Chamber Passes Resolution to Support Norman Police

Norman Chamber Passes Resolution to Support Norman Police
“With the holiday season just around the corner and the possibility of increased crime among our local businesses, we felt it was important to demonstrate the Chamber’s support for our local police department,” said Matt Clouse, chairman of Norman Chamber board of directors. “Our police officers are some of the most qualified and highest trained officers in our state and regularly set the bar for professionalism and achievement within their field.”
According to the resolution, “The members of the Norman Police Department play an essential role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of the residents and businesses of our city. Norman police officers stand watch over our citizens and businesses, selflessly risking their lives to protect individuals, families, neighborhoods, and property against crime. The Chamber Board therefore wishes to extend our appreciation and support to the men and women of the Norman Police Department and encourages all of its members and other citizens of Norman to join in this heartfelt gratitude.”
“Norman is blessed to have such a dedicated and professional police department, and our businesses appreciate the partnership that has been developed over the years,” said Scott Martin, President & CEO of the Norman Chamber. “The men and women of the Norman PD enhance our quality of life and make Norman a safe place to live, work and play.”
The resolution was unanimously approved on Monday, Nov. 9, 2020.
The Norman Chamber of Commerce is an advocate for Norman’s economic vitality and the prosperity of our thriving business community.