Parks and Rec Partners with Local Businesses and Artists for Virtual Series Locally Loud

Parks and Rec Partners with Local Businesses and Artists for Virtual Series Locally Loud
The City of Norman Parks and Recreation Department is partnering with local businesses and artists to bring an exciting series of virtual events called Locally Loud to residents. The program of events is designed to promote engagement with Norman’s incredible selection of small businesses through a How-To Class series on Thursdays and a Concert Series on Fridays.
The How-To series will bring in hosts from local breweries and restaurants to teach you skills to step up your cooking and cocktail making game. The series kicks off on Thursday, January 21 with a cocktail history and making class from Scratch Kitchen. Future hosts include, Red Rock Benvenutis, Social Butterfly, Appletree, Das Boot, Dos Gringos, Tinos, and Sweet Basil.
Ticket prices vary by class and can be purchased through the Parks and Rec Thundertix. A list of materials required for each class as well as the location and time for pickup will also be listed there.
On Fridays, tune in to the Norman Parks and Recreation Facebook page for a free virtual performance by famous local artists and great discount opportunities at local restaurants when you pick up a meal to go. Don’t miss the first concert in the series by Ken Pomeroy on January 22 featuring a 10% discount on takeout orders and growlers from Das Boot. Residents can also look forward to performances by Annie Oakley, Original Flow, Caleb Mcgee. Follow the NPR Facebook page to keep up to date on the growing list of upcoming concerts.
If you are a business owner or local artist interested in participating in either of the Locally Loud series, contact