Upcoming Street Maintenance Bond Election

Upcoming Street Maintenance Bond Election
WHEREAS, the Norman Chamber of Commerce cultivates, promotes, and supports economic opportunities and community enrichment by providing leadership and services to its members and the community; and
WHEREAS, the members of the Board of Directors of the Norman Chamber of Commerce believe that the City of Norman should provide for a safe community in order to maintain the community’s economic vitality and quality of life and to promote the welfare of its citizens; and
WHEREAS, Norman’s elected city council members and mayor, after considerable study and consideration, have developed and supported a proposition for consideration by the voters of Norman on April 6, 2021; and
WHEREAS, The 2021-2026 Street Maintenance Bond Program provides for $27,000,000 in funding for rural and urban asphalt pavement rehabilitation, urban concrete pavement construction, urban pavement reconstruction, and preventive maintenance on neighborhood streets; and
WHEREAS, the proposition would increase the safety and quality of life for Norman citizens without increasing the City’s current ad valorem tax rate,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Norman Chamber of Commerce supports the proposition to improve the City of Norman and encourages Chamber members and all citizens of Norman to vote “yes” on April 6, 2021.
Approved this eighth day of March, Two Thousand and Twenty-One.
Mandy Haws, Board Chair
Norman Chamber of Commerce
Kevin Hopper, Secretary-Treasurer
Norman Chamber of Commerce